Friday, December 14, 2012

Be Still

Yesterday while at the music store, I came across the clearance section.  There I stumbled upon a huge section of Christmas music.  I couldn't resist and ended up purchasing quite a few pieces.  Luckily they were 75% off...even better.

So last night I found myself at the piano.  I opened one book, filled with random Christmas favorites.  It was there, I saw the song, "Still, Still, Still."  I began to play the music, its melody surrounding me, its simple message ringing in my ears..."Still, Still, Still."

How ironic that the birth of our Savior was so still, simple in every way...and yet the world has created so much holiday hoopla that the "still of it all" isn't so quiet anymore.

It's LOUD! It's GREEDY!  It's NOW...sparkly decor raucously placed in parking lots, banners begging for holiday buyers on every corner, the SALES, the STRESS. No still.

The sacred stillness of the season is masked in the craze.  Can we take ourselves away from the hyper activeness that the Christmas season has become and simply, be still?

As Thanksgiving ushers in hearts full of gratitude, may we take moments to be still and remember Him...our Savior who came so humbly into the world to teach us to stop and listen and then follow...HIM.

Not a sparkle needed. No shouting necessary. No purchase required.

Just a willingness to be still, listen and follow.

And as a special treat, here is the Mormon Tabernacle Choir singing, "Still, Still, Still," as the story of Christ's birth is shown.  As you watch, notice all of the people in the crowded town, consumed with the bustle of life, not knowing what is actually going to transpire that very night.